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                                                                    Welcome! My name is Craig Ratcliffe, and I've loved everything game related since my early childhood. My first

                                                                    ever console was the nintendo game boy, which entertained me for years. But as technology advanced I

                                                                    enventually started to move up to consoles like the; Nintendo 64, Playstation, Xbox etc...


                                                                    During my enjoyment of playing all these magical games, made for all these very different consoles. I could not

                                                                    stop myself from thinking; Why isn't this in the game? What if this could happen? How did this and that happen?                                                                     And the biggest questions of all, how are these magical worlds of wonder even created? And how do I get                                                                               involved?


As you may have guessed, with all these question floating around my young creative mind. They eventually merged together to create one humongous dream of being the next best Games Designer.


Today, I am currently studying for a Games Design BA HONS Degree via UCLAN (University Of Central Lancashire), keeping up with all the latest game realease's and the companies that grow alongside them. Aswell as learning about creating these wonderus 3D worlds, that are slowly advancing to VR (Virtual Reality).

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